Thinking that your kids have a long way to go until they can write? Figuring they require full mastery of grammar, handwriting, and spelling first?
It’s a myth that elementary-age children are not equipped to be writers because their mechanical skills are still developing. Why would we wait until their penmanship is perfect to capture the treasure trove of creative ideas and delightful scenarios! Wild plots, crazy characters, and surreal elements abound! Vivid descriptions and zany comparisons come out of their mouths everyday! These are the very best years to write.
Good news—your young student can benefit from our writing resources and classes NOW!
Our goal at Brave Writer is to provide a gentle, flexible framework to open your children’s minds to their writing potential. Our online classes give them age-appropriate opportunities to write, without severing the connection they still need with their homeschool parent – you! We know that with the right experience, even very young children can enjoy writing, setting them up for success in their future writing lives.
With our elementary-age classes you’ll get the chance to
- Take courses suited to your child’s natural stage of growth in writing
- Identify literary elements
- Discuss how stories are crafted
- Get an introduction to techniques such as list-making, freewriting, revision strategies and editing
- Experience writing activities that are flexible
- Control the content your kids are exposed to
- Play with different forms like poetry, before kids feel intimidated
- Practice the ability to narrate
Online Writing Classes for Youngsters
For littler writers:
Story Switcheroo (ages 5-8)
Write original stories and scenes from the building blocks of traditional fairy tales.
Telling Tales (7-10)
Partner with your child to explore tall tales, ancient myths, and favorite legends as you uncover the common elements in these classic tales.
For ages 9-up:
Note: Though the classes below are recommended for ages nine and above, these are all classes where the parent is directly involved. If you have a young child eager to try a class, choose one where you can actively participate alongside, providing writing support as needed.
Groovy Grammar Workshop (9-14)
Nature Journaling (9 and up)
Playing with Poetry: Discovery (9 and up)
Playing with Poetry: Exploration (9 and up)
Brave Writer 101 (9-14)
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