A familiar refrain I am seeing everywhere in the Brave Writer space: that you feel overwhelmed by too much to do.
Let me make it perfectly clear here.
Don’t do everything!
Start with ONE of our products. Just that one. Read the information at the front or in the guidelines.
Then DO that thing without reading anything else, without planning anything else, without thinking about how it all fits together. That is utterly unnecessary.
You will get so much value if you deep dive into ONE of the products and take it just ONE week or project or activity at a time.
So do ONE thing this month and shelve everything else. If you find yourself really enjoying that thing, do it more! Don’t rush on to the next thing. Maximize the value right there. If you notice flagging interest after a bit, then turn your attention to the NEXT product and do ONE small bit of that one.
You cannot do this wrong!
Each product creates engagement with writing. ALL of them do. They all work.
You’re going to be okay. Take a risk and TRY one thing. Just one! See how it feels.
xo Julie