We are still determining the fall schedule. Jon (husband and Writing/Lit professor) is cooking up some new classes and I can’t yet post them until we determine session length etc. So that is coming. Also, we’ll be making some exciting changes to the website, the subscription programs and offering a slew of new materials for purchase and easy digital download.
The hold up right now is that I graduate from grad school on May 19. My final for my last class is next week and my oral defense of my thesis the day after. The thesis has been accepted which is HUGE and accounts for the sluggish consistency of this blog over the last several weeks.
With graduate school behind me, I’ll be able to return my attention more fully to this blog and to the exciting developments ahead for Brave Writer. We’ve been listening to you and your needs and hope we have some answers. Thanks to everyone who makes this community a wonderful place to learn about writing.