I’ll be sharing Brave Writer’s 12 Precepts over the next weeks and will list them here as they’re posted individually on the blog.
These concepts enable homeschool parents to find their way to:
- joy,
- peace,
- and progress.
The 12 Precepts
Click on the precept number for more thoughts.
#1: Our home is a home—a place of loving and learning—not a school.
#2: We are a family of learners—parents and children—making progress each at our own pace.
#3: Our practice is flexible—guided by a child’s curiosity, a parent’s broader knowledge of the world, and the unique opportunities that come our way.
#4: We plan ahead or we plan from behind, whichever serves in the moment.
#5: We coordinate academics with our children’s delights, passions, and skills. We are the seekers and finders of everyday magic.
#6: We take risks and experiment with methods, knowing we can double back any time to sure footing.
#7: Our life together is protected by our commitment to honesty, to emotional safety, to loving each other, and to creative problem-solving.
#8: We acknowledge challenges and face them bravely. We reach out to others, knowing that help helps.
#9: Our allegiance is to what’s right for our family, not any one homeschool method, community, or model.
#10: We will come to know ourselves better as educators, parents, and awesome adults!
#11: Our children experience their achievements as personally meaningful.
#12: We affirm that a good enough homeschool is one where our family chooses to see all of life as an opportunity for an education—whether we homeschool to the end, or include traditional schooling in that journey.