What is your idea of a dull evening?
Archive for the ‘General’ Category
The lens matters
Caitrin has told me for years that she doesn’t like history. Her sister before her didn’t like it either. And naturally, I was a history major, totally happy to overdose on historical fiction. They, however, were not.
We tried the Story of the World books and the Brown Paper School ones. Caitrin was compliant, just not engaged. What really interested her, however, has been everything related to being female: fashion to abortion, women’s rights to make-up. Her appetite for these topics drove her out of the juvenile book section and smack into adult reading. Last week she found a book that completely captured her imagination: Women’s Letters (edited by Lisa Grunwald and Stephen J. Adler). This volume is enormous: nearly 800 pages of letters. They span our entire history from the Revolutionary War to nearly the present (Iraq War 2005). They are written to husbands, sons, daughters, sisters. Each letter has some kind of note to contextualize the circumstances or to explain idiomatic expressions current to that era.
Caitrin is enthralled. Suddenly her ability to retain information related to our country’s founding is effortless. The connections support the information. She’s able to retain the facts because they are related to something she cares about.
Last night as we were driving to deliver cookies to her customers (she has a cookie business, taken over from her older brother), she mentioned in the car, “I’d like to keep writing over the summer along with math. I’m realizing that I want to keep my routine going and to prepare for the day when I go to school.” I said I thought that was a brilliant plan. So we brainstormed some writing ideas and quickly found ourselves talking about letter writing. Could she write letters that reflect various eras? She liked that idea and then went on to discuss how our era has letter writing, but it’s electronic. She wondered how these letters would be preserved. She mused about the way letter writing had changed (was more informal, not so literate and beautiful to read; yet still so entertaining and compelling). We looked at what kind of women could have written letters in the 1700’s (highly educated, women of means) versus today (where nearly every girl in America can read and write and type).
It was a rich, interesting, interest-generated conversation. Her resistance to history had crumbled. As we pulled into the driveway, she said, “It’s so funny. I thought I didn’t like history. But I really do.”
All I could think was, she hadn’t had the right lens for viewing it.
I’m glad that she was our fifth child. It made it easier to trust the process and to “get out of the way.”
“Intergenerational Macbonding”
My mother (Karen O’Connor) is here and we’re spending a lot of time talking and typing. She’s a writer (I think you all know that). Having her here means I’ve not been as faithfully blogging this week as I wanted to, in favor of walks, tea and yakking. I wrote a wonderful (so humble) entry yesterday continuing this theme of “one thing” learning, and my website crashed as I went to post and lost the whole thing! UGH! However, I plan to rewrite it asap and will post over the weekend. Hope it’s hot and sunny where you are!

Like Mother, Like Daughter
Homeschool Camp
Hi everyone.
The last few days have found me in the uncharacteristically gorgeous sunshine of Amelia, Ohio for our homeschool camp. Every year, we gather with about 60-70 kids and counselors to climb the big rock wall, line dance, play volleyball or lap tag, swim in the lake and pool, hang out at campfires and eat s’mores. This year has been especially beautiful because we haven’t had a hint of rain and the weather is warm.
But it also means I haven’t had time to blog! I look forward to it and will do so when I get home tonight. I promise both a blog entry and a Friday freewrite. I hope all of you have had a nice few days.
For those interested in reading about the One Thing Principle in more detail, check out this older entry: The One Thing Drumbeat.
See you on the flip!
Tuesday Teatime: Needs more photos!
Don’t forget to send your teatime photos and little stories to me: julie AT bravewriter DOT com. If you do, we will send you a free copy of the Arrow or Boomerang (your choice).