Friday doesn’t want to be thought of as unlucky on the 13th anymore, so it asks friends Thursday and Saturday for advice. Write their conversation.
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Friday doesn’t want to be thought of as unlucky on the 13th anymore, so it asks friends Thursday and Saturday for advice. Write their conversation.
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Some people set up dominoes in a pattern then knock the first one down which causes the rest to fall one by one. Imagine you are the last domino in line. What would you see and think as you watch your fellow pieces hit the ground closer and closer to you?
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Some words are easy to confuse with each other.
For example:
Write a story where a character keeps getting those words mixed up!
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There’s a phrase that goes, “I need to catch up on sleep.” Imagine that Sleep is actually running away from you after a poor night’s rest. Describe how you’d try to reach them and then convince them to stay longer next time.
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Are you more of a stripe person or a polka dot person? Explain.
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I’m a homeschooling alum -17 years, five kids. Now I run Brave Writer, the online writing and language arts program for families. More >>
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