I’m pleased to share some writing that has been forwarded to me by proud moms. I leave in all spelling errors because we are enjoying the stage of development that this writing represents (just like we enjoy the mispronunciations our kids use as they learn to speak). Look what vivid images these children discover all by themselves.
Heather shares about the Color Walk she took with her three children:
Today it was unseasonably warm for January in Ohio so we decided to try the color walk with my daughter Chelsea (9), and two sons ages 5 and 7. This is what Chelsea wrote about the color brown when we came home:
“Fall-like leaves spread about, like when God separated people at the tower of Babel”
“The old rickedy fence bowing low in our yard, as if a king is riding by”
“The steady, packed mud sneaking beneath poky, green grass, as if trying to rob it’s beauty”
“Singing wooden chimes with hollow tones and patient voices, as a music teacher” ….
As you can tell, she absolutely loved the idea of the color walk! My boys also came up with neat descriptions of things that were green: “a swimming pool of bushes” (the 7 year old said he was very proud of that description!) and “tiny leaves shaped like hearts” from the 5 year old. All of these descriptions came from a silent walk where we said nothing and everyone came home and quietly wrote on their own. We had a wonderful time and even read some poems about color after everyone had a chance to share their list! Thanks so much. Just had to let you know what a blessing this email list is to us busy moms!
Then Laura shared a short piece of writing her son jotted down at a gymnastics studio (that definitely qualifies for Lifestyle Writing):
I just have to send you my 11 year old son’s writing. He has always struggled with getting any words on paper at all however, he was actually pleased with this work and agreed to me sending it to you!
I took him to a local gymnastics studio to observe his younger brother’s class and he was really able to capture his keen sense of perception on paper for the 1st time.
Enjoy – we really appreciate your help in unlocking our senses!
by Abe
the rigging on the
bars reminds me
of the rigging on
a ships masts.
the rope extended
from the roof could
be holding the anchor
the mats form a
makeshift raft .
the students look
unsure of themselves
drunk like a pirate
crew, beware , they
are a ruthless crew.
Would your kids like their writing published? Send their writing to me and we’ll add it to our growing collection of Brave Kids Writing on the Brave Writer blog.
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