The method is not the goal. The goal is the goal.
In other words: your allegiance to a method that doesn’t get you to your goal means you’ve made the method the goal and lost sight of your true goal—whatever that may be!
- Love of learning
- Mastery of phonics
- Steady effort in a challenging subject
- Reading…
You are free to scrap any method that doesn’t work to experiment with methods that you shunned, even when your friends disapprove.
The method is not in charge.
The goal is.
If you make the goal the goal, you will adopt any strategy that gets you closer to the goal. But if you make the method the goal, even inadvertently, you may wander in a wilderness of wondering why you never get where you thought you were going.
Liberation comes when you give yourself permission to have a journey in education that is unique to your family (not the one you have been told you must follow or it doesn’t count and won’t work).
This post is originally from Instagram and @juliebravewriter is my account there so come follow along for more conversations like this one!