Try It: Pushy Prepositions

Are you ready to bring some kinesthetic learning to your living room?
Give your kids an a-ha moment about a grammar concept they use daily!
Pushy Prepositions!
Grab a chair. Your child will act out the prepositions as you direct them.
- Stand beside the chair.
- Crawl under it.
- Sit on it.
- Fall off it (carefully!).
- Roll around the chair to the back.
- Point to the seat.
- Hop away from the chair.
- Jump near it.
- Lean against it.
- Run your hand along the top of the chair.
Now have your child “push” you around with prepositions.
Ready? Go!
All ‘Try It’ Activities
Brave Writer® programs teach writing using your child’s body, mind, and heart.
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