The Importance of Rest

We cannot underestimate the power of fatigue to crush the life out of even the strongest of us! Take a nap, swing in a hammock, snooze.
The most difficult resource to keep in stock is rest.
Yet rest changes everything!
It affects our:
- mood
- energy level
- outlook
- ability to respond to crisis
- tolerance for chaos and noise
- generosity toward childishness
- wellbeing
- ability to concentrate
When you find yourself short, disorganized, bored, sounding the alarm that the world is ending, ask yourself when last you got 6-8 hours of sleep without constant interruption.
It’s difficult to catch up when you breastfeed or have a chronic bedwetter. I know. That’s why taking naps, having a partner who can swap sleeps with you (so you’re not on call every night), and even resorting to booking a room at a hotel for a night just for you can change your life.
When in doubt, assume you need more sleep. Then find a way to get it.
(Also: throw in a dose of sunshine. Get outside where the sun can kiss your skin… it helps.)
This post is originally from my @juliebravewriter Instagram account.
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