Podcast: Be Open to Surprise

I am recording some of my Tea with Julie emails for the podcast for those of you who prefer to listen. These are brief messages of support for parents and educators. If you’d like to receive the weekly emails, they are free. Sign up at bravewriter.com/tea
Let’s talk about the Four Forces of Enchantment. Over the next few weeks, we’ll discuss:
- Surprise
- Mystery
- Risk
- Adventure
Today’s topic: SURPRISE!
If we want our kids to be open to surprise then so should we be.
One of the most difficult parts of any relationship is the fantasy we create in our heads of how it should go as compared with how it really is. We have scripts, we have characters, we have motivations.
But sometimes, if we stay open, if we can hold back from projecting our expectations onto the ones we love, we might find ourselves surprised.
Show Notes
Complete Tea with Julie notes can be found HERE.
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