Podcast: Do You Have the Wrong Personality for Your Temperament?

I am recording some of my Tea with Julie emails for the podcast for those of you who prefer to listen. These are messages of support for your life of parenting and educating, as well as taking good care of you. If you’d like to receive them, they are free. Sign up at bravewriter.com/tea
Does it sometimes feel like your personality and your temperament are at odds with one another?
Whether you keep a ship-shape house or you’re relaxed and casual, let me promise you this: There is no one personality type better suited to homeschooling than another. And no one personality type better for:
- parenting,
- loving,
- or nurturing.
Each has its own strengths and liabilities, and the goal is to work to become more self-aware, recognize when we are in our element, and find out what it means to best serve the moment.
Show Notes
Complete Tea with Julie notes can be found HERE.
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Tags: Tea with Julie Podcasts