Podcast: Growing Reading & Writing Comprehension with Rita Cevasco, Pt. 1

Learning to read and write is absolutely life-changing, but it doesn’t come easily to all kids. Rita Cevasco is a friend and colleague of mine and the founder of Rooted in Language. We have collaborated together in a homeschooling coop—her teaching reading, I teaching writing—and our teaching styles and points of view mesh beautifully.
In this podcast episode, we talk about:
- what is going on in our kids’ brains when trying to process their thoughts as sounds,
- identifying reading disorders such as dyslexia,
- and how parents can set their expectations appropriately about their child’s progress.
Show Notes
Rooted in Language is a company dedicated to helping parents feel effective in teaching their kids to read and to handwrite, especially if they struggle with language delays. She’s spent over 30 years working as a speech language pathologist and as a reading/writing specialist.
- rootedinlanguage.com
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