Raising Critical Thinkers FREE Webinar

I miss you! No conferences, no travel. Blerg!
This year, due to the constraints of, well, every single thing, I decided it would be wonderful and cool to celebrate the publication date of RAISING CRITICAL THINKERS with EVERYONE via Zoom.
I’m excited to read to you, to talk about the contents of the book, to share some big news about how I am celebrating the book with you, and more.
DATE: Tuesday, February 1, 2022
TIME: 4:00 PM Eastern Standard Time (+5 GMT)
PLACE: Zoom webinar
The first 500 people can attend live when you register here (a replay will be available).
Last time I held a book launch, there was a legit snow storm which meant everyone was late and stressed and cold. This time, you can be in the comfort of your own home, with slippers and hot tea and the glow of a lamp.
New York Times Best-selling author, Adam Grant, wrote a wonderful review: “This is the guide parents need to become thoughtful consumers of information.”
Feel free to pass the registration link along to your friends too!
(I do have an in-person event the following week, so keep reading if you’re local to Cincinnati.)
Cincinnati, Ohio
For those of you who live local to me, I’m doing a LIVE in-person reading the following week!
You can read more details here.
I’ll be signing your books for you, too.
DATE: Monday, February 7, 2022
TIME: 7:00 PM Eastern
PLACE: Jospeh-Beth Booksellers, Rookwood*
2692 Madison Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45208
All are welcome, including your kids!
*If you haven’t purchased a book yet, we do ask that you buy one at the book store to support this event. Not required, but a nice courtesy!
Excited for you to be a part of the growing number of parents who are putting quality thinkers out into the world. We need them!
Learn more about the book here (includes pre-order links): RAISING CRITICAL THINKERS