Los Angeles
Originally uploaded by juliecinci
on a clear day.
I’m still in Los Angeles and have had a dickens of a time finding wi-fi in this technological back water town. Finally drove through a sufficient number of strip malls hunting for business men with laptops until Bad Ass Coffee came through for me and delivered Bad Ass wi-fi along with my Bad Ass cafe au lait. 🙂
It is from this refined establishment that I am able to post this missive.
Unfortunately I’m on Pacific Coast time which means all you east coasters are way past freewriting hour and the west coasters (if sensible) are at the beach on this glorious day. So take today off. 🙂 We’ll resume freewriting next week (or select one from the Friday Freewrite category on the right sidebar).
As for me, I’m gearing up for the drubbing Notre Dame will take when my Bruins get on the field tomorrow at 5 PDT.
(Yes, that is UCLA right there in the middle of the photo… the red brick buildings that are mid height. Go Bruins!)