Brave Writer continues its newest addition to our suite of products: The One Thing Series. These month-long workshops designed for whole families feature “one thing” at a time so that you can isolate that language arts or writing practice you want to execute but either don’t or can’t or need some new ways to get at it.
This winter, we’re delighted to offer three One Thing Workshops: Academic Citations, Freewriting and Grammar.
One Thing Workshops differ from our online writing courses. The writing courses are geared toward creation and completion of specific writing projects and provide complete, personalized feedback from the instructor to the students. The One Thing Workshops are more like going to your friend’s “Create a Christmas wreath with your child” workshop. She provides the tables, the evergreens, the wire that cuts your hands, the clippers and the silver bows to add to the finished product. Then she models how to put all the ingredients together so that you can work directly with your child helping him or her to create a wreath that is similar to the model, but also so that you know how to make one yourself the next time you attempt it.
Our One Thing Workshops are designed to give you materials, new ideas, models and answers to questions as you go so that you can execute your best intentions for your family’s writing and language arts practices. Each workshop stays focused on the topic of choice for four weeks and helps you to gain confidence in continuing on your own.
The One Thing Workshops only cost $99.00 per family. A real steal.