Has a story (in a book, movie, play, etc.) ever made you cry, scream, gasp, shout, or laugh out loud? Write about it!
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Has a story (in a book, movie, play, etc.) ever made you cry, scream, gasp, shout, or laugh out loud? Write about it!
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Tags: Writing prompts
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Palindromes are words that read the same backwards and forwards. See how many of these three-letter palindromes you can use in your freewrite:
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Find a photo of you that you really like. Look closely at the picture then explain why it’s a favorite.
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Write a story using as many of these “T” words as you can.
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Do you prefer really long stories like 800+ page books, three hour movies, or shows with six seasons? Or are short stories and novellas, animated length films, or limited series more your speed? Or maybe you like both or are somewhere in the middle? Explain your answer.
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I’m a homeschooling alum -17 years, five kids. Now I run Brave Writer, the online writing and language arts program for families. More >>
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