How would you describe a best friend? And since the word “best” as an adjective means “excelling all others,” is it possible then to have more than one “best” friend? Explain why or why not.
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How would you describe a best friend? And since the word “best” as an adjective means “excelling all others,” is it possible then to have more than one “best” friend? Explain why or why not.
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What’s a superpower you would NOT want because it’s too scary? That is the one you now have! Describe what it’s like getting used to it.
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Write a story using L-O-N-G words like these:
BONUS: Honorificabilitudinitatibus is from a medieval Latin word which can be translated as “the state of being able to achieve honors.” (Fun fact: it’s mentioned in Shakespeare’s play, Love’s Labour’s Lost.)
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Make two lists: the first for things you need permission to do and the second for things you don’t need permission to do. Which list is longer? Are there any items you’d like to move from one list to the other? If so, explain your reason(s).
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Imagine that a friend invites you to a fancy dinner party. Everyone will be dressed up but you only have casual clothes and sneakers. Your friend says that’s fine with them so you decide to attend. How does it go?
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I’m a homeschooling alum -17 years, five kids. Now I run Brave Writer, the online writing and language arts program for families. More >>
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