Welcome to the latest blog roundup! See how other homeschooling families practice the Brave Writer Lifestyle!
When Less Is More – Cait, My Little Poppies
I have a confession to make…I’m addicted to the morning Brave Writer Facebook Lives. My kids actually think that Julie Bogart is skyping with me… and that’s okay. (They also think that Kenny Chesney comes to Boston every August for my birthday…. Don’t I wish!) Anyway, this week one of Julie’s FB live readings hit home more than usual. It was titled “Less is More” and that is something I truly believe…read more.
A Brave Writer Review – Erin, Nourishing My Scholar
What do you do when your child hates writing? How do you instill a love of writing when it is something that brings nothing but tears and heartache to your child? I must admit I was at a loss when it came to writing in our homeschool. Writing had become an almost painful requirement for both myself and our son. Basic writing prompts only prompted one or two word responses! That is, until a year ago when I discovered Julie Bogart and Brave Writer…read more.
Top Ten Brave Writer Arrow Guides – Mary, Not Before 7
I confess. I am a paper girl trapped in a world of PDF’s. Despite these handy electronic files, I continue to print out most everything. And this includes my homeschool curriculum guides. Open my file cabinet in the basement and preview the stacks and stacks of Brave Writer Arrow guides from three full years of subscriptions. Thirty printed guides are sitting in my files in addition to their PDF counterparts sitting on my computer. I am not really sure why I feel the need to save the printed copy, but I do…read more.
Love the Year You’re With – Mary, Not Before 7
Out of control. Disorganized. Fly by the seat of my pants. Does the start of the school year always feel this way? I don’t think it does. I am pretty sure that our past school years have followed the plan a bit more closely. But I can’t be sure. What I am sure of is that the kick-off for this 2016 school year was far from a touchdown. It feels more like life intercepted the ball and ran the other way with it and I am watching the ball leave my side of the field without a plan to get it back…read more.
Better Learning Through Board Gaming – Homeschooling Without Training Wheels
Of course, I may be biased, but in my opinion, there is no better “stealth education” than board gaming. I’ve already shared my thoughts on “educational games” and why they may not be the best use of your time. What I’m sharing today are all the things that your kids are naturally learning by playing excellent, well-balanced board games, designed, not to be “educational,” but to be enjoyable…read more.
We hope to share more roundups in the future! If you write about an aspect of the Brave Writer Lifestyle, let us know! Email your post’s url to Jeannette, our Social Media admin ([email protected]). Thanks!