Support During the Struggle
“Your best bet is to be gentle with yourself & to surround your homeschool life with people who are advocates for you more than your philosophy of education or parenting.” (A Gracious Space, Julie Bogart)
There are two kinds of support during struggle. First, when you face a challenge in your marriage or health or philosophy of education, many people will back the institution. They’ll tell you how to stay married or what kind of treatment you must follow or which educational philosophy is the rightest. They’ll rally around their beliefs and urge you to hold the line—to persevere in struggle, to not give up on your marriage or doctor or homeschooling.
The second kind of support is for you. No matter what you choose, this person understands that you are more important than institutions or philosophies. The support is unwavering for the person you are. Your success as a wife or patient or home educator is not propping up marriage or medical protocols (or holistic nutrition) or homeschooling.
Rather: support feels like being seen, being reminded of your own ability to choose, to make the call for yourself.
Support is believing more in a person’s well being
than any institution’s preservation.
Get friends like that. They are priceless. They aren’t passive-aggressive, or controlling, or manipulative. They are friends.
This post is originally from Instagram and @juliebravewriter is my account there so come follow along for more conversations like this one!