2024 Summer Camp

FREE Online Summer Camp!
It’s that time of year again!
Are you feeling it? The overwhelm of homeschool planning!
Let Brave Writer help you reduce decision fatigue and unlock learning. This day-long, online camp is packed with useful information about:
- homeschooling
- writing across the curriculum
- all things Brave Writer
Summer Camp is over but you can watch the REPLAYS below!
Free Webinars
Note: the discount code has expired.
Homeschooling in Spite of Yourself (Julie Bogart)
Are you worried you aren’t doing a good job homeschooling? Maybe you feel you are too messy or too rigid, bad at math or bored by reading, need too much quiet or you feel like you never get around to the important stuff. What if you could discover YOU are the RIGHT person for the job, even with your flaws, doubts and foibles? You can homeschool taking all of YOU into account. Your kids can learn and thrive even if you lack confidence and don’t remember grammar. Julie will show you how.
Online Classes: Stress-Free Writing for All Ages (Kirsten Merryman)
Our award-winning online classes are unlike any on the market. Kirsten Merryman (Director of Online Classes) offers insights into how to help kids tap into their passions and fall in love with writing. Discover how online classes can fit seamlessly into your writing program with just the right dose of online interaction.
Poetry Teatime (Melissa Wiley)
The incomparable Melissa Wiley (children’s novelist, homeschool veteran of six, Brave Writer podcast co-host, and product writer) will host a Poetry Teatime for your kids! Melissa has been writing children’s books since 1995, including her Brave Writer featured books, The Prairie Thief and The Nerviest Girl in the World. And here’s a list of recommended poetry books and resources.
Publications: Unlock Learning Through Literature (Dawn Smith)
Whether fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or fantasy, literature opens doors to a wide range of school subjects and learning adventures. Discover how grammar, punctuation, spelling, and literary devices can be taught naturally, while also inviting children into science, history, math, geography, and imagination. Dawn Smith (Director of Publishing) shares how!
Community: Don’t Homeschool Alone! (Julie Bogart)
Can you imagine if when labor began, you were left alone in a house with no phone and you had to give birth by yourself? Of course you can’t. That would be a ridiculous scenario. Yet we often homeschool in isolation—wondering if we are on the right track, suffering our doubts in silence. Join Julie as she shares with you the various ways you can join our communities and find your people. You are meant to homeschool with friends! Let Julie help you understand why you need them, how to find them, and what to do once you’ve got them!