[Podcast #233] Endgame Tips to Finish the Year Strong

Springtime often pulls homeschoolers in what can feel like two different directions.
- The first is the concern of what needs to be done before the end of the school year.
- The second is wanting to play outside.
Today on the Brave Writer podcast, we cover how to unite the two!
We give ideas of how to incorporate formal education with being outside: Measuring the circumference of a tree, practicing spelling while tossing a lacrosse ball, figuring out change at the ice cream store, and more.
But we also cover how spring is a rich time to develop wonder and observational skills in your kids, beyond just formal standards. Field trips, “look for a color” strolls, and even baseball games can help your child appreciate the world around them and develop lifelong passions.
Show Notes
Learning Outside
Sometimes the problem with learning math or spelling is the environment. Especially in springtime, sitting at a table hunched over papers is not ideal for humans of any age. So head outside and do geometry on trees. Use a ball to pepper each other with spelling challenges. Go to the ice cream store and figure out the change owed at the cash register. And don’t forget the magic tool of homeschooling: the trampoline.
Developing Wonder and Passion
Even if you practice year-round homeschooling, spring can offer a natural transition. There are flowers blooming, birds singing, and so, so much to be observed and wondered about. Teaching your child to simply observe and wonder, without the need for immediate answers is critical to their development. Plus, it’s a great time to sneak in field trips while traditional schools are cramming for end-of-year testing!
Homeschooling is about connecting to ourselves so that we can build meaning for ourselves and actually have lives we enjoy living. We’re not just trying to train our children for a future job. We’re trying to build curiosity, depth, and interest in the whole range of wonder that we live around every day. Springtime is a wonderful season to do exactly that.
- Check out the Brave Writer Bookshop
- Start a free trial of CTCmath.com to try the math program that’s sure to grab and keep your child’s attention!
- Good news: There are enough weeks left to do a writing project with your kids that will leave you feeling confident and accomplished this school year. Sign up for a Brave Writer online writing class. Our classes start every Monday, and each one only lasts three to six weeks. Sign up today!
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Produced by NOVA Media