Tea with Julie: Writing Voice

“Tea with Julie” is a weekly emailed missive that enhances your life as an educator, parent, and awesome adult. From time to time, we’ll share some of our past topics here on the blog.
In this Tea with Julie series (linked below), I talk about writing voice. Writing voice is the sound and feel of the writing—the way you recognize one author over another, or the way one sort of writing connects with you while another type doesn’t. Authors with strong writing voices are those who stand out in a crowd of writers, those you return to because you want to hear what they have to say.
Honestly, your kids are naturals. If you support their self-expression by capturing it for them (jotting down their hot takes, their little narratives, their jokes), they come to trust their writing voices.
It’s when you ask them to sound like someone else—Aesop, some adult writer, the format prescribed in the writing assignment—that we lose the heart of their message and their natural, rich vocabulary.
I hope you enjoy your exploration of the magic of “voice.” In our world of echoes, we need powerful voices. You’re raising them!
Writing Voice
- Value your child’s voice
- They speak in prose and paragraphs
- Fill the “house” with a lively voice!
- Just how important are spelling and punctuation anyway?
Glad you’re here! This is your time for tea and a break from the breakneck pace of your important life.
Some Tea with Julie messages have been
shared on the Brave Writer Podcast!
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