Make Life Better

It’s up to you! It’s not up to the school system, the homeschool community, your mother, or the books you love. The reason so many of us lose heart is we’ve delegated authority over our choices to someone outside ourselves.
One thing I’ve learned about being an adult is that when we recognize that we have the responsibility for our experience and lives, we gain power. The temptation to want to follow a plan, a curriculum, a school district’s scope and sequence to the letter means you are delegating your authority to an outside source.
But if you can recognize that you have freedom to make choices, to modify choices, and to pivot when you change your mind, you gain a sense of control over your own life. You stop being a victim of someone else’s choices.
Adulthood is the recognition that you own everything that happens to you. You’re in the driver’s seat. You make choices and grow.
A Gift of Home Education
One of the gifts of home education is that you become responsible for educating yourself—and the sheer joy of realizing that it is up to you holds freedom and power.
Once you take hold of that power, the victim narrative dies.
So make life better. You can be bold, you can make mistakes, you can recover.
It IS on you. That’s a good thing!
This post is originally from Instagram and @juliebravewriter is my account there so come follow along for more conversations like this one!