Brave Writer Precept #5: We Are Seekers and Finders of Everyday Magic

The fifth Brave Writer precept is: We coordinate academics with our children’s delights, passions, and skills. We are the seekers and finders of everyday magic.
It’s the holidays where seeking and finding everyday magic is a little easier. Maybe it’s the twinkle lights or the fragrance of cinnamon in cookies and hot apple cider. Maybe its festive decor that helps us really see the room we’re in with new eyes.
Now is a great time to slough off the schedule and lean into learning through living. Academics can look a whole lot like preparing for the end of the year celebrations.
Learning through Living
Reading: poetry, lyrics to holiday songs and hymns, stories about the holiday, spiritual literature if that is a part of your family’s tradition.
Math: shopping for gifts with a budget, counting houses with lights on a drive, baking sweet breads and holiday cookies, assembling apparatus or hanging lights
Writing: place setting name cards, gift tags, letters to family and friends, the note to “Santa” if that is in your tradition, wishes and regrets as you enter the new year
History and Geography: identifying New Year’s celebrations around the world, tracing the history of the spiritual tradition your family celebrates, tracing the history of celebrations others enjoy, picking one tradition (like tree decorating or the dreidel) and doing a deep dive on its origin
Science: making candles, baking, sustaining the life of a cut tree, building a fire, shooting fireworks, stringing lights, mulling cider
Handicrafts: knitting, embroidery, making baked clay ornaments or earrings, rolling beeswax candles, creating window stars from kite paper, decorating a holiday table
Nature: making a wreath, collecting nature items for a centerpiece, creating a bird feeding bell from pinecones, peanut butter and birdseed, decorating an outdoor tree with dried oranges and cranberries for visiting birds