Tea with Julie: Starting a New Homeschool Year

“Tea with Julie” is a weekly emailed missive that enhances your life as an educator, parent, and awesome adult. From time to time, we’ll share some of our past topics here on the blog.
Finding your footing, planning your year, creatively teaching, dealing with crankiness and overwhelm—these are experiences every parent faces as they take the responsibility to provide their kids an education.
Let me be your guide through those thorny patches and rocky trails. Pull on your hiking boots. Apply bug spray! We’re going in!
Starting a New Homeschool Year
- Set the Stage for a Great Homeschool Year!
- A Starter Kit for Home Educators
- Finding Your Rhythm
- It’s Okay to Waste Time
- When It’s Not Going Well Yet
Need more help? I’ve also written a primer in home education: The Brave Learner
If you’d like more hands-on coaching, join our Brave Learner Home coaching community. You’ll find a slew of Brave Writer staff coaches as well as thousands of members who share their experiences of homeschooling with each other.
The Brave Learner Home is for every level of homeschooler, from newbie to middle of the muddle to homeschooling high school. It provides:
- professional development,
- lesson plans,
- community discussion,
- self-care, and
- guidance.
Can’t wait to help you have the best year of your life!
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