Let Your Child Reassure You

Nothing reassures you the way your children’s own growth does. Recognize the spark of learning, the personality of your kids popping through their writing, the happy confidence of accomplishment in any task. Then you’ll know you’re on the right track.
A wise friend once said that when she doubted her child’s progress or felt worried about an interest, she would get some time alone with that child—lunch or a shake. She’d ask her child about that interest, she’d open space for a conversation that interested the child. She said she’s never had a one-hour time alone with a child that didn’t remind her that her child was learning and growing just as she had hoped.
Do it.
- Take time to listen,
- to be with,
- to observe
Be amazed all over again (the same way you were amazed when your bigger kid was a baby).
Let your child reassure you.
Your kids are learning!
This post is originally from Instagram and @juliebravewriter is my account there so come follow along for more conversations like this one!