Don’t Forget to Include Yourself

Your interests. They not only fuel your homeschool, they fuel you!
When you follow an interest, you discover that you’re a smart person—that you have curiosity and skill and capacity to grow.
Tapping into your interests:
- improves your outlook on life,
- allows your children to see you happy and learning,
- makes adulthood look awesome,
- and gives your kids a role model for what it means to pursue an interest.
You may find that what you love enhances a school subject or acts as a key to unlock a previously opaque subject. Your curiosity is aroused which allows you to be creative!
For instance, if you are suddenly into sewing, you may whip up a batch of capes for dress up clothes for history or tea cozies for poetry teatime. If you get curious about native plants to use in landscaping, where might that lead in your family? Might you discover the history of where you live, how the original inhabitants lived with those trees and shrubs?
Let your interests lead you, so that you can lead your children into a world of skill and happiness. An education is fueled by connections and joy in learning. Bring yours to the table!
This post is originally from Instagram and @juliebravewriter is my account there so come follow along for more conversations like this one!