Evidence of Growth

Every day your kids show up to learn. They open themselves to your leadership. They offer you their trust. They put faith in you to:
- support,
- teach,
- guide,
- and love them.
And so you design an education for them.
Here’s where it gets sticky.
If your focus is on the education more than the child, it’s easy to get impatient, anxious, and annoyed when your child doesn’t live up to your expectations.
Instead look for the evidence of growth: notice the risk.
- A child who handwrote even after saying handwriting is hard: perseverance.
- Finishing the page even if some of the answers are wrong: effort and practice.
- Strong emotional reaction to a book you’re reading: attentive listener, invested.
Turn the evidence before you into a commentary on your child’s skills and development, not a verdict on your homeschool or you.
You can do it!
This post is originally from Instagram and @juliebravewriter is my account there so come follow along for more conversations like this one!