A Journey Through Curiosity

Imagine education differently: as a journey through curiosity.
It’s tempting to focus on making sure our children are curious, to see if they have interests. Do you expect them to develop passions and then hope you can parlay those into the 3 Rs or 6 subject school day? Lots of discussion in teaching theory focuses on the notion that a child’s interest can lead the way. And to a certain extent, it’s true.
Children are naturally curious about all kinds of things. But they are also human beings. And humans go through dry spells and boredom. They run out of their own creative or curious energy from time to time.
During those in between times, parents sometimes assume that the child is no longer a curious person. They worry that the child has important subjects to master but shows no interest in them. So they resort to coercing an education.
In those moments, your curiosity can become the focal point of your child’s education. As the chief role model of adulthood and learning, what fascinates you and draws your curiosity is irresistible to children. By attending to your own capacity to learn, you live a learning journey in front of your kids.
They see a model of what it looks like to go from no interest, to curiosity, to interest, to applying yourself to learn something new. And because the topic or hobby or subject is of interest to an adult, it immediately becomes valuable. Children are drawn to adult tools, adult hobbies, and adult interests because that makes those subjects, hobbies, and experiences cool.
- If you want to quilt—get at it, in the middle of the day—not off stage, in your “free” time).
- If you want to learn the constellations, add the Stargazer app to your phone and start sky-watching tonight.
- Want to master algebra? Start your day with coffee and chapter one, working the problems, before read aloud time.
- Wish you had a better literature education? Listen on Audible in the car or while making dinner. Watch the film versions.
The stuff you imagine makes a great education can be yours (and by extension, your kids’) if you lean into your own curiosity, now, while homeschooling.
This post is originally from Instagram and @juliebravewriter is my account there so come follow along for more conversations like this one!