Brave Writer Summer Camp 2020

FREE Online Summer Camp!
July 21-22, 2020
Wondering how to kick off a great homeschool year?
Wish you knew more about Brave Writer and all its offerings?
Here’s your chance! We’ve got two days of FREE webinars to help you prepare.
We’ve got a camp handbook for you and your kids with crafts and snacks for them!
And Melissa Wiley is gracing us with a sneak peak of her brand new book, The Nerviest Girl in the World, one of our Arrow books! She’ll read aloud to your kids each day over lunch!
You can join us as it suits your schedule.
We will have replays.
We can’t wait to serve you! Descriptions below. Sign up here.
Webinar Descriptions
On Ramp to Homeschool
Join Julie Bogart (Creator of the Brave Writer program) to hear about how to jump-start your homeschool for the fall. She’ll cover how to boot up the first six weeks and plan for a great year ahead. Great for newbies and in the “middle of the muddle” homeschoolers too. Julie will give an overview of how the whole Brave Writer program fits together. If you are still wondering how to get started with Brave Writer, this is the session for you!
Get into Gear with Reading and Writing
In this session, Dawn Smith (Director of Publishing) and Julie Bogart will talk about the power of reading aloud to your kids and how literature is a springboard for learning all the mechanics of writing. Imagine combining handwriting, spelling, grammar, and literary power using living literature! It’s a beautiful vision!
Nerviest Girl in the World
Give your kids a treat! Melissa Wiley, children’s author and Brave Writer coach and writer, has chosen to share her brand new book with our community first: The Nerviest Girl in the World! You can bring your kids to listen and know that they are getting the sneak peak! She’ll read for 20-30 minutes with all the voices!
The Horsepower of Short, Focused, Online Writing Classes
Our award-winning online writing classes are unlike any on the market. Kirsten Merryman (Director of Online Classes) and Jen Holman (Senior Writing Coach and Trainer) offer insights into how to maximize the power of a class in your child’s writing life. Discover how your kids can fall in love with writing!
Roadmap to Your Best Homeschool Life: Brave Learner Home
Imagine having support, friendship, coaching, and resources that give you what you need when you need them. Our Brave Learner Home community is designed to offer you the space you need to grow. Our goal is not to scrutinize curriculum but to work with the underlying principles of healthy family life combined with how to harness the power of natural learning. We’ll also take care of you, so you have the stamina to keep going. Join Jeanne Faulconer (Director of the Brave Learner Home) and Julie Bogart for an hour of inspiration!
Register + Get Handbook
The entire Brave Writer team is excited to serve you this year.
Get ready for your best homeschool year yet!