Selecting Books: Diversify

When selecting books to read aloud, we (at Brave Writer) follow a key principle:
The idea is to lay a feast of ideas (ht: Charlotte Mason) before your children, to create opportunities for empathy, to help your children grow in critical thinking, to expand a child’s world, and to entertain! That too.
The goal is to offer a selection of books over a year or several years that is diverse in lots of ways. Keeping the list below handy will help you get out of ruts and habits too.
When reading gets stale or predictable, shake things up! Here’s how.
Select from these categories:
Diverse Authors
- different backgrounds
- all kinds of Englishes
Diverse Characters
- male and female protagonists
- older and younger
- varieties of worldview
Diverse Experiences
- types of childhoods
- historical events
- national disasters
- humanitarian crises
- humorous, suspenseful, fantastical situations
Diverse Genres
- poetry
- prose
- nonfiction
- graphic novels
- comics
- plays
- short stories
- fables
This post is originally from Instagram and @juliebravewriter is my account there so come follow along for more conversations like this one!