Engage with Nature: Week 1

Spring hasn’t been canceled!
- Walk around your neighborhood.
- Play in the backyard.
- Look out the window.
Nature is there, ready to burst with new life.
It’s a wonderful time to ground our kids in the steady cycles of nature all around us.
Nature Study is an integral part of the Brave Writer Lifestyle. To encourage you to add or maintain nature study routines in this unusual time, we created twenty simple prompts to help you and yours engage with nature.
Each Friday in April we’ll share five simple ideas.
Pick one to do the following week, then let us know what you did by sharing on Instagram (#bravewriterlifestyle).
Ideas for Week 1
- Get down and take a close look at a patch of ground.
- Chase the sun! Make it a quest to find the BEST spot to enjoy the sunrise or sunset.
- Wonder out loud about something you see outside.
- When your kids spot a bird or a bug or a leaf, make a BIG deal about what awesome observation skills they have!
- Count colors in nature as you drive, walk, or look out the window.
See All the Ideas Here

Tags: Engage with Nature