Time to Get Outside

Boots have been tossed in favor of sneakers. Bikes are ready to be pulled out of storage. Warm sun is streaming in the windows. Tulips are blooming.
But how do I know spring has arrived? The kids are kicking the table legs. Drumming their fingers. Dropping their erasers—a hundred times. And the squirming! It’s like there’s an itch over their whole bodies.
Spring fever is HERE! And I say, don’t fight ‘em, join ‘em!
Here’s an enchanting opportunity to let your kids have what they crave at this time of year AND let you finish your homeschool year strong. (That’s right, you don’t have to pick just one!) Join our Nature Journaling online whole-family class! (One tuition, the entire family!)
Nature journaling inspires kids to uncover countless mysteries and surprises as they interact with the wondrous world around them!
The best part? While your kids are grabbing their notebooks and sun hats, they’re interacting with earth science, art, math, and getting the benefits of physical education.
But here’s something maybe you didn’t know. This class plants the seeds of their academic skills too. The kind they’ll grow and nurture through middle school and high school—until they bloom in college one day!
Yep, we’re doing that, right now!
Those ‘seeds’ include
- Acting as questioners and observers — the basis of academic exploration!
- Harnessing the power and authority of scientific language
- Doing research as they look up technical terms and explanations for what they observe
- Choosing which details are relevant to share in class and what is unimportant
- Practicing being an expert! They get to be the authoritative source on their local park or pond.
How great is that?
What parents had to say about the Nature Journaling class:
When I asked [my daughter] to reflect on this month of journaling, her response was, “Can we keep doing this after the class?” 🙂 -Elizabeth S.
This month of nature journaling has helped me to get a better idea of what it consists of and the various ways to do it. -Carolyn D.
I used this activity in my Science enrichment class and my students loved it!!. -Leif E.
It’s our little secret—surprise your kids and let them think you’re letting them off the hook for homeschooling this month. We both know you are finishing your school year strong with Nature Journaling!