Harry Potter *Updated* Arrow Guide

The world of Harry Potter is bursting with surprise, mystery, risk, and adventure! Delightful names like Quidditch and Diagon Alley abound. Peculiar characters (including one who deems explosion from school to be more dire than death) are the norm.
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A magical school for witches and wizards—with invitations delivered by owl, no less—provides the backdrop for the adventures of the first installment of the seven-book series: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.
You and your children can explore all of this and more in our
Updated and Expanded
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone ARROW Guide!
Along with all the usual elements of our Arrow guides (grammar, punctuation, spelling, literary element, and writing activity), the guide has been updated with nine Big Juicy Questions and Party School Book Club ideas.
Who is ready for a magical book club party to celebrate the completion of the book?
The Arrow guide is a companion to you, the parent. It’s the language arts partner that helps you teach writing mechanics and literary elements to multiple children of varying ages and skills—all with one guide!
Grow your young writers while following Harry, Ron, and Hermione on their adventure!
Win! Win!
FYI: Save the Date! The 2019–2020 Arrow and Boomerang book list reveal is May 31! More details soon!
If you are a planner and want a year-long language arts program right now, grab the 2018-2019 Arrow or Boomerang collection at the year-of-release discount rate—available until May 30!