Which Brave Writer Products?

Brave Writer is unlike other writing programs!
We don’t organize around grade level or writing format instruction. The age guidelines below are a suggestion—start where your child is (learn more here).
Our products address writing in three ways:
- ORIGINAL THOUGHT: learning how to express thoughts in writing or, in other words, helping children access their writing voice and coax it into written expression.
- MECHANICS & LITERATURE: using the practices of copywork and dictation drawn from literature to teach language arts (spelling, punctuation, grammar, literary elements) and writing craft.
- WRITING PROJECTS: creating developmentally appropriate writing projects (letters, reports, poems, essays, and so on) that combine original writing skill with mechanics aptitude.
Think of it as three interlocking puzzle pieces needed to create writing proficiency.
Brave Writer’s Core Products
If you need all three pieces of our program then choose a Bundle:
- Beginning Writers (ages 5-7)
- Emerging Writers (ages 8-10)
- Middle School Writers (ages 11-12)
- High School Writers (ages 13-14)
- College Prep Writers (ages 15-18)
But you are also free to mix and match according to your needs. Please do!
Growing Brave Writers is written to you, the parent, and is the essential training you need to be the delightful writing coach your children deserve.
Our Language Arts programs can be purchased as a collection for the current year:
Or purchased individually as Literature Singles.
- Jot It Down! (ages 5-7)
- Partnership Writing (ages 8-10)
- Building Confidence (ages 11-12)
- Help for High School (ages 13-18)
For Families with Multiple Ages
Listen, I homeschooled five kids. I found it challenging to work with five levels at once. When I designed Brave Writer, I wanted to be sure parents could choose a program to use with all their kids—adapting it up or down a little depending on the academic center of gravity in the family.
So with a big family, you might consider buying individual issues from a variety of levels using only one per month, rotating through them. And for Writing Projects, you might pick one (aim for the middle!) and use it for everyone, adjusting up or down depending on each child’s stage of growth. Learn more.
Online Classes
Brave Writer also provides online classes that are specially designed with the busy homeschooling, afterschooling, or alternative educating parent in mind. We aim to give you immediate support as you face writing obstacles with your child.
Would you like to use the Brave Writer philosophy but would rather custom design your own program? We got you! Go here.
Brave Writer is oriented to YOU, the real homeschooling parent.