Homeschool Camp
Hi everyone.
The last few days have found me in the uncharacteristically gorgeous sunshine of Amelia, Ohio for our homeschool camp. Every year, we gather with about 60-70 kids and counselors to climb the big rock wall, line dance, play volleyball or lap tag, swim in the lake and pool, hang out at campfires and eat s’mores. This year has been especially beautiful because we haven’t had a hint of rain and the weather is warm.
But it also means I haven’t had time to blog! I look forward to it and will do so when I get home tonight. I promise both a blog entry and a Friday freewrite. I hope all of you have had a nice few days.
For those interested in reading about the One Thing Principle in more detail, check out this older entry: The One Thing Drumbeat.
See you on the flip!