Gretel, Hans and the mean old witch

Gretel, Hans and the mean old witch
Originally uploaded by juliecinci
Sorry, we’ve been busy since Johannah got home from college. 🙂 Hope you’re getting some much needed fun with your kids as the holiday season is upon us. We also made gingerbread houses out of graham crackers. You can do the same by taking old tea boxes (or other smallish boxes) and gluing graham crackers to the boxes using icing. Then simply stick candies all over the graham crackers. To make a pointed roof, angle them toward each other and glue with icing. We stuffed ours with mini marshmallows to hold it up. I’ll see if I can get a photo of our graham cracker ones to share. 🙂
This house is courtesy Trader Joe’s Gingerbread House kit. We added the candy.
Julie, I went out an bought a kit last year which was a BIG mistake, as there were 4(11-22yrs) vying to be creative. This yr. I got smart and bought boxes of graham crackers and bags of candy. What fun for them, and for me to see all my children sitting around the table talking. 🙂 We then put them together to make a graham cracker village.
Glad to see someone else’s gingerbread house looks like a pile of candy that’s been hit by an earthquake. No fancy shmancy gingerbread houses around our house!
We’ve bought those kits from Trader Joes the past 2 years, too. I think they’re the cutest! We prefer to think we’re the people…Mom, brother, and sister (Dad is at work!). This year, a couple of days after making them, Brother gobbled up the girl (“I’m eating you, Sophia!!”), so Sister retaliated and ate the boy!