Stop, stop! KWB is full.
Wow. By 12:00:01, Kidswrite Basic was overly full with enrollments oozing over the sides of the in-box like the foamy heads of beer I drew on tap for the West Chester Bash fundraiser for junior high lacrosse last Sunday night. (There’s a forced analogy if ever I wrote one, but hey! I’ve been volleying emails for the past three and a half hours. I need a beer!)
What a flurry of activity and energy! Thank you! It takes me about two days to sort everything out. Some of you will hear from me right away and some will not. I have to figure out waiting lists and that possible second KWB class that we hope to add this fall.
Kidswrite Basic Empowered is still open as is the Just So Stories, Write for Fun and the Expository Essay. If you would like to enroll in these, feel free to do so any time. You are not too late… yet.
For those who are disappointed in missing the cut-off for KWB, I do have some good news. We have just trained three new instructors for the Brave Writer team so we will be able to offer several KWB courses in the winter quarter. Also, JSS is a wonderful introduction to BW and writing for your reluctant writers so if you would like to enroll in that class before KWB, feel free. It’s taught by veteran Brave Writer instructor Rachel Boyer who is dearly loved.
I’ll be back tomorrow with a new blog entry. Until then, play in the sun.