Many moms have said to me over the last five years, “I wish I could be a bug on the wall at your house to see what you do.” I usually smile, completely relieved that no one has that kind of access to my fairly chaotic, TV and computer dominated domicile. (Though now thanks to flylady, I’m a lot more comfortable having you drop in unexpectedly.)
As I’ve observed our family’s life over the last few months with that “bug on the wall” kind of perspective, I’ve discovered a few things about us. A lot of good stuff happens, but most of it happens without big doses of planning. In other words, our lives are serendipitous moments of learning, dormancy, exposure to something new and learning again. Because “living” language arts expressed across what is ordinarily considered “school curriculum” is natural in our home, (books, poetry, Shakespeare, movies, neat new words, language games, TV shows, writing, journaling, online communities, nature study and art appreciation) we routinely and naturally enjoy a Brave Writer lifestyle ourselves. It’s just how we live.
With the launch of the Brave Writer Lifestyle (Yahoo email list and supporting web pages for any interested homeschooling parent), I’m looking forward to even more families discovering how the Brave Writer philosophy will be tailored to fit them. This blog is a place where I will share the daily learning life of our family, the Bogarts, and any tips, writing prompts and whatever else I feel like sharing. By all means, post comments and share your stories.
Let’s create a community where we can share our kids’ writing and their learning, where our ideas will be picked up or adopted by other families. Together, we can generate energy and enthusiasm for Brave Living, not just brave writing.