Our Tea Time
We saw your previous post that showed Nunnymollers. After I cleaned up the drool from my computer keys after reading your blog, I decided that this would be a great project to do with my son for fun, and it would fulfill a Boy Scout requirement for him.
As we made them, the process became, “one raspberry in the mouth, one raspberry for the recipe.†Yum! Making them was as scrumptious as eating them. Although they didn’t look exactly like yours, they were melt in your mouth good.
We read some silly poetry by Shel Silverstein and our current read aloud about the Civil War, The Perilous Road. Of course I left at a great cliff-hanger making them eager for more tomorrow.
As you can see in our photo, we are family with two children and two dogs (and too many other animals to count!). We love to do read aloud and Tea Time with our family animals around as they are such a large part of our family.
You can often find my daughter reading a book with her laying her head on a dog. What better than a dog for a homeschooling reading partner? Using Brave Writer and a relaxed style of homeschooling integrates all that is important to us, learning in a comfortable environment, loving what you are doing and being flexible.
I enjoy your blogs very much as they keep me baking (my husband loves you for that!) and it keeps me inspired. Thank you!
Bravewriter Mom,
Casey Lee