The creativity of Brave Writer families is amazing! Homeschool mom, Knelly, writes:
We started out last week with homeschool light on some of our core subjects – this week we are pulling out some stops:)
I couldn’t decide which Arrow books to do this year, and when my 3rd and 5th grader get the “same stuff” you know, there’s usually blowback.
So this year [we had a Book Fair]! I filled the dining room with preselected, Julie Bogart Approved:), Bravewriter Arrow titles (I also put some fairy tales in there for Jot it Down!). Some I grabbed from around the house, a few at thrift stores, the library–and to round everything out, I just printed off a dust jacket and a paragraph from Amazon and called it good. [See above pic on the right]
The catch? They could ONLY pick 9. They can go through their Arrow issues with me in any order, and they can download on Kindle, hard copy or files!
The kids also spent time leading up making bookmarks for each other to choose. They could hardly wait for Book Fair Day to come. They waited in the stairwell with closed eyes and giggles.