Friday’s Freewrite in real life
Here is a photo of the boys doing the writing activity from last week, listing words of lengths up to 15 letters. One boy used Harry Potter and the other used my copy of Secret Life of Bees (which I still can’t get into!) . I know this isn’t a Tea Time picture, but when I signed up for the yahoogroup and saw your tea time post, it reminded me that I had this picture already taken.
Brave Mom Amy
My note: Please do send me your photos of any Brave Writer activity and we’ll post them to the blog. I love to see the processes in action. I saw on one mom’s blog (awhile back) a photo of the “Snip and Pin” revision process we use in Kidswrite Basic and that is also featured in the Preface of the 2nd edition of The Writer’s Jungle. I would love to post photos just like that one to share (so if you know what I’m talking about, get out your digital cameras and send them in).
Also, we would love to see cartoons, comic strips, lap books and any other narration task that you’d like to share with the world!
(I will post a much longer entry tomorrow night. We just moved our oldest off to college (boo-hoo) all weekend and I’m completely exhausted from inhaling dust and packing boxes and being nostalgic about how fast it goes and how much I’ve loved being home with him all these years.)