What’s ahead for Brave Writer?
I’m back from a wonderful vacation in California. We saw family on both sides, old high school friends, Internet acquaintances and all our childhood haunts (both Jon – husband – and I grew up in CA). We snorkeled in Catalina, hiked up a mountain of redwoods in northern California, kayaked in the Russian River, took a cable car in San Francisco and limped home after so much exertion.
Great two weeks. Hope your summer is treating you to a break in routine.
I’ve just refreshed the yahoo groups email list (Brave Writer Lifestyle). I rewrote most of the reminder emails in an attempt to wake you up again to the values that help to create literate, language-centered homes that lead to terrific writing–just in time for fall in the northern hemisphere, and midway through the year for our friends down under. Please let your friends know!
The list is free and acts as a pivotal support to The Writer’s Jungle.
The fall class schedule will be posted later this week with a registration date of August 15 (Tuesday).
The Writer’s Jungle and the Preface to the Second Edition (sold separately for those who already have the first edition) are now available for purchase.
By the end of July, a digital copy of the SAT/ACT Timed Essay course will be available for purchase as well. Two options: You will be able to purchase the course and do it on your own with your teen, or you may purchase the course and also purchase feedback from me for the last two essays your teen writes as a way to get feedback on how his or her writing looks in preparation for the tests.
The Boomerang subscription will be open for registration starting next week. I’ll announce it here and on the yahoo lists.
Stay cool!