Why we don’t use video in Brave Writer online classes
Some people ask why our classes don’t make use of video. It’s a pedagogical choice: reading produces better writers than listening. Not only that, reading requires depth of concentration and attention that enable the reader to internalize what is being read. Listening allows for greater distraction. For instance, have you ever noticed how you can be looking at your child and rearranging the cabinets in your mind at the same time? You appear to be listening, but you’ve “checked out.”
Listening to lectures creates a similar result. You may have an affective moment of “Wow that was wonderful!” but the retention of the particulars is not nearly as complete as if you had read the same material.
“In fact, studies have shown that reading uninterrupted text results in faster completion and better understanding, recall, and learning than those who read text filled with hyperlinks and ads. Those who read a text-only version of a presentation, as compared to one that included video, found the presentation to be more engaging, informative, and entertaining, a finding contrary to conventional wisdom, to be sure. Additionally, contrary to conventional educational wisdom, students who were allowed Internet access during class didn’t recall the lecture nor did they perform as well on a test of the material as those who weren’t ‘wired’ during class. Finally, reading develops reflection, critical thinking, problem solving, and vocabulary better than visual media.” ~Jim Taylor Ph.D., Psychology Today
Some thoughts about technology and learning.
Image by Brave Writer mom Anne
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Brave Writer online classes are uniquely designed with the busy homeschooling parent in mind. Classes last anywhere from three to six weeks. We offer courses that address a specific writing need so that you can take one or more over the course of a school year. We keep the class sessions short so that you may work around your family’s schedule.