15 Ways to Leave a Love Note
Leave a love note!
Today’s task is to leave a love note for someone. Everyone in the family can participate. Help the ones who can’t transcribe their own thoughts (who don’t read or may not write, yet) to get in on the act. They can add little picto-graphs or stickers, if they like.
Leave the love notes in surprising locations and use unusual tools.
For instance:
- Write a note on the bathroom mirror with lipstick.
- Use Post-it notes and leave little notes all over the house for someone (or all over the inside of their car or all over their office or bedroom).
- Write a love note on the brown paper bag used to take a lunch to work or to a park day.
- Send a text!
- Post a status update on Facebook tagging the person you want to love up.
- Tuck love notes inside the book the person is reading, a few pages ahead of where they are.
- Write love notes on the edges of today’s newspaper for the newspaper reader.
- Put a love note (use a Post-it note) on the favorite beverage of your loved one that is lurking in the refrigerator.
- Sock drawers are a great place for love notes.
- Stick a love note on the left and right shoes of a favorite pair (maybe make a pun about left and right).
- Use shaving cream to squirt a note on the shower wall before your loved one showers.
- Stomp a note (maybe just a word) into the snow in the front yard. View from an upstairs window.
- Create a love note out of seashells and spell it on the kitchen table for a center piece.
- Write a love note on your palm. Close your hand into a fist. Approach the loved one. Tell them to tap three times for a surprise. When they do, open your hand and show your palm.
- Create a love coupon (in any form) and tuck it into your loved one’s purse or wallet.
Or think of your own!