Brave Learning: Your Child’s Voice, Secret Trick of Homeschooling, and more!

Recently on Brave Learning…
Value your child’s voice [Public]
Children turn off their “real voice” around you if they develop the habit of shutting down their genuine ideas, thoughts, preferences, wishes, and dreams. [More]
The Secret Trick of Homeschooling
We begin for our kids, we keep going for ourselves. (This is the second in my series of journal entries from back when I was homeschooling.) [More]
Friday Freewrite: Stuck in the Mud [Public]
Tell the story of how a lone boot became stuck in the mud. [More]
Subscribe to Brave Learning on Substack where we chat, discuss, problem-solve, and create together. Here’s what you can expect: weekly themed content, freewriting prompts, and a podcast for kiddos called Monday Morning Meeting (first 5 are free)!