Brave Learning: Natural Stages, Valenteatime, Educating Teens, and more!

Recently on Brave Learning…
The Natural Stages of Development for Home Educators [Public]
Even as a home educator, you go through your own developmental stages. Let’s talk about them because it may help you feel more comfortable with your journey. [More]
Poetry Valenteatime [Public]
If you want to shift the energy in your home from recalcitrance and curmudgeonliness (I’m picturing grumpy faces, in other words), the surefire breathe-life-into-kids mechanism is…. Poetry Teatime! [More]
A Truth About Educating Teens
If we start from the premise that we can’t get a teen to care, we are much closer to creating a healthy learning environment. [More]
Friday Freewrite: As a Toddler [Public]
Pick a book character who’s a teen or an adult. Now describe what they might have been like as a toddler. [More]