You’re Allowed to Change Your Mind

In case you needed reminding.
You’re allowed to change your mind. About anything.
- The plan for the day.
- The program that gave you hope, and fell flat.
- How you parent your kids.
- How you vote.
- The length of your hair.
- Whether or not to shave.
- How clean you keep the kitchen.
- Your diet.
The beauty of being you is that you can choose to become a wiser, more thoughtful, curious, quirky, risk-taking person.
One day you’ll cozy-up to the familiar routine and beliefs, mug of tea in hand. Another day, you’ll walk to the edge of idea-danger where you try on a belief that promises liberation from the old, wooden way of life—yet disrupts what you held onto tightly before.
It’ll be okay.
This is how you grow.
No one has purchase on your mind. It’s yours. It’s beautiful. Get to know it. It’s filled with fascinating thoughts that you deserve to think and explore.
This post is originally from Instagram and @juliebravewriter is my account there so come follow along for more conversations like this one!