Help for the Bored Child

As you enter an exciting season like the holidays, remember—everyone may be feeling a little bored by the routine (you can see pumpkin pies and twinkle lights on the horizon). So here are some tips to help break through the boredom so you can finish strong!
Strategies to try:
- Make the lesson cozier—snuggly blanket, cup of tea, a pet to pet!
- Change the order of the activities.
- Give a child a candle to light and extinguish.
- Add a clipboard.
- Practice the skill in a board or card game.
- Move the lesson outside, weather permitting.
- Use colorful paper and pens/pencils.
Need more ideas?
Here are a few blog posts to check out:
This post is originally from Instagram and @juliebravewriter is my account there so come follow along for more conversations like this one!